Chipper a été adopté auprès de Galia en Août 2013. Aujourd'hui, ses maîtres ne veulent plus s'en occuper.
Il revient donc à l’adoption. C’est un chien de petit gabarit qui s’entend avec tout le monde. Il est vraiment mignon comme tout. Ses anciens maîtres ne lui ont pas apporté beaucoup d’éducation, il aura donc besoin qu’on lui enseigne les règles basiques en douceur bien sûr! Il n’est pas responsable du fait que ses maîtres n’aient pas fait leur devoir d’accompagnateurs dans cette vie. Cela ne l’empêche pas d’être très attachant et proche de l’humain. Il ne comprend pas du tout pourquoi il est de retour à la case « départ ». Il a besoin de trouver un foyer rapidement pour réduire ce traumatisme le plus possible. Il vous attend.
History / Description
Chipper : Terrier cross
Age : 01/03/2013
Chipped, vaccinated and to be neutered.
Chipper was adopted from Galia in 2013 but has been returned because his owner 'did not want to bother with him'
He is a small size dog that gets along with everyone and currently shares his box with another entire male without any problems and he really is a cute as they come.. His former master did not give him a lot of education, he will therefore need to be taught the basic rules, it is not his fault because his former owner did not do their duty to enable him to have a comfortable life. This does not prevent him from being very endearing and close to humans. He does not understand at all why he is back in the refuge the place where he started from. He needs to find a home quickly to reduce his stress.
He needs a family who will show him the ropes and give him the love that he craves and has missed out on.