Déjà adopté(e)
Je l’aime, je le stérilise

Guliver OK chiennes OK chiens mâles OK enfants

  1. Type:
  2. Race: ,
  3. Sexe:
  4. Age:
  5. Couleur(s):
  6. Taille:
  7. Ententes: , ,
  8. Lieu: - Fontenay-le-Comte (85)
Déjà Adopté(e)


Guliver, avec sa tête de nounours, est un adorable toutou. Il est vraiment très gentil. Il est propre et habitué à vivre en maison. Il n’est pas fugueur. Il a très peur de l’orage. Il est OK enfants et OK congénères. Nous ne connaissons pas ses ententes avec les chats. Ce pauvre chien a passé 6 ans en maison et se retrouve en box. Quel gâchis! S’il pouvait au moins partir en accueil, en attendant de trouver sa famille pour la vie, cette fois-ci, ce serait déjà une belle avancée.

History / Description

Guliver is a super dog, he is clean and used to living in a house. he is not interested in running off as he loves humans, his lead training leaves a bit to be desired and he has never learnt to play, chase ball, his idea of play his to hold his lead in the mouth but he loves the water, in the park pool he is in out all the times and truely happy,. He is very afraid of storms. It is OK kids and OK other dogs after introduction. We do not know for cats yet... This poor dog spent 6 years in house and finds himself in box, he is stressed about the whole thing and just wonders what he has done to have this fate thrust upon him...Such a waste! If he could at least find a foster home while waiting to find his family for life, that would be a step forward for him.