Déjà adopté(e)
Je l’aime, je le stérilise

Nesquick OK tout !

  1. Type:
  2. Race: ,
  3. Sexe:
  4. Age:
  5. Date de naissance: 25-01-2017
  6. Couleur(s): ,
  7. Taille:
  8. Ententes:
  9. Lieu: - La Rabatelière (85)
Déjà Adopté(e)


Nesquick est visible dans sa famille d’accueil. ATTENTION! Un chiot n’est pas une peluche! Un bébé chien fait, ce que nous, humains, appelons des bêtises. Pour lui, c’est juste la découverte du monde qui l’entoure! Sa famille d’accueil a commencé son éducation mais elle sera évidemment à poursuivre en douceur et cohérence. Un chiot n’est pas tout de suite propre! Sa physiologie ne le permet pas, sans compter que se retenir n’est pas naturel pour nos amis canins. De plus, le Border est une race avec des besoins particuliers dont il faut avoir connaissance pour une adoption réussie. En bref, patience, amour et empathie sont absolument nécessaires quand on accueille un nouveau compagnon au sein de son foyer. L’adoption est un engagement de 10 à 15 ans.

History / Description

This little cutie is Nesquick and is currently with a foster family. The family have started to educate him and obviously this will need continuing in his new home. Its VERY IMPORTANT that whoever adopts Nesquick is aware that he isn't just a cuddly toy who needs nothing doing with him. He's a baby and he's learning about the world. He needs lots of attention and he'll want to play and make mischief. He needs someone who will play with him and teach him and give him lots of love. And remember, a puppy is not immediately clean so you must be prepared for that and be understanding of it. In addition, border collies, like all dogs are a breed with particular characteristics. It is essential that whoever adopts him must take the time to learn about them and their needs to ensure that the adoption is successful. So if you have lots of love, patience and understanding to give to Nesquick, please do not hesitate to contact the refuge. Nesquick will be chipped and vaccinated. ADOPTION IS A 10 - 15 YEAR COMMITMENT.