Je l’aime, je le stérilise

Stan OK chats OK chiennes OK chiens mâles

  1. Type:
  2. Race: ,
  3. Sexe:
  4. Age:
  5. Date de naissance: 01-01-2002
  6. Couleur(s): , ,
  7. Taille:
  8. Ententes: , ,
  9. Lieu: - Vix (85)

Décédé :(
me parrainer


Stan arrive de fourrière.


Que c’es triste pour ce petit Stan! A son âge, il se retrouve au refuge au lieu d’être au chaud et entouré d’amour, comme il le mérite! Il ne comprend pas du tout ce qu’il fait là. C’est un gentil chien, propre en maison. Il dort beaucoup et aime se promener dans le jardin. N’hésitez surtout pas à venir lui rendre visite, pour le promener, lui donner un peu d’affection, faire connaissance…. peut être qu’il est votre prochain compagnon de vie!

History / Description

Stan : Terrier cross Chipped, vaccinated and entire Stan found his way to us from the Pound, At his age, he finds himself in a shelter instead of being warm and surrounded by love, as he deserves! He does not understand what he's doing there. He has just arrived and we find him to be a kind gent that likes a short walk and hates being in a kennel..Currently in Foster and is having walk out with his other dog companions, his recall is very good, he is entire and to old to neuter, he has a prostate problem but it does not affect his ability to enjoy life Can you find a place in your heart and home for this old boy??