Coca mâle croisé Labrador 15 mois
Déjà adopté(e)
Je l’aime, je le stérilise

Coca OK chats OK chiennes OK chiens mâles

  1. Type:
  2. Race: ,
  3. Sexe:
  4. Age:
  5. Date de naissance: 01-12-2013
  6. Couleur(s):
  7. Taille:
  8. Ententes: , ,
  9. Lieu: - Faye L'Abesse (79)
Déjà Adopté(e)
me parrainer


Coca est un très gentil chien. Il est calme et propre en maison. Il est affectueux et est très heureux de recevoir des caresses. Il ne tire pas en laisse. Il connaît le « assis ». Il est OK congénères et ignore les chats. Il est très heureux de jouer avec le chien de la FA et ne fait pas de bêtises. Il adore les enfants et tous les humains qu’il rencontre. Il attend sa famille pour la vie!

History / Description

Coca : Labrador cross D.o.B. 01/12/2013 Chipped, vaccinated and will be sterilised prior to adoption. Coca was found wandering by the Fourrière and was not reclaimed, he is barely out of the puppy stage and found himself in a refuge…. He is a loving little fellow and craves affection and cuddles, he just wants to be loved. He is gentle, pulls a bit on the lead but with the right family this is easily set right. As he is a young dog then you will need to spend the time giving him walks and keeping his mind occupied and teaching him what is right and wrong He needs a forever home with people that are willing to invest time in his education and in return you will get just a super little family pet.. He is fine with other dogs, not tested with Cats.